The Eldritch Icons Project

I previously gave an overview of how I imagine re-skinning the Dragon Empire of 13th Age to fit a Clark Ashton Smithian/Lovecraftian theme: Eldritch Icons. I plan to write pairings of a mythos entity and a default icon. I'll be doing them in an order that reflects how I see an order of emergence. The mythos icons would not supplant those of the Dragon Empire overnight. Rather, the campaign would be more insidious. This order reflects a move Westward, as though the new icons arose from the Iron Sea.

Lovecraftian vs./and Smithian Icons in 13th Age

Smith offers us worlds full of iconic figures and examples of entire societies carrying on beside them. I'll be posting more here about my attempts and explorations of the subject.

My favorite D&D spell — Phantasmal Killer

For a little Monday fun, what's your favorite spell/weapon/tool in an RPG? Doesn't have to be D&D, but since that's the only one I played, mine comes from there.